Welcome to Year 4 – Beetle Class!
Our Class Teacher is Mrs Hael. Our Teaching Assistants Mrs Keedwell and Mrs Chapman .
Spelling and Grammar (SPaG)
There will be daily SPaG and handwriting activities in Year 4 set as morning work, focused on the week’s spellings and also progressing through the prescribed grammar for Year 4. This will also include revision of Year 3 grammar concepts.
Spellings homework will be set on Fridays and is to be handed in on Wednesday’s to allow for marking before the weekly test on Friday.
Children will continue with the home reading scheme in Year 4. We encourage children to read for 10-15 minutes daily, reading to an adult as often as possible. We appreciate this is not always necessary for extended periods with more able readers but children should be heard to help increase fluency, expression and also discussion of new vocabulary.
There will be 3 whole class guided reading sessions a week in Year 4, and several of the children also read aloud to a member of staff at least once a week.
There are lots of creative writing opportunities in Year 4, including: historical setting narratives, adventure stories, poetry, character description, non-chronological reports, persuasive writing, newspaper reports and explanations. We have lots of fun with our writing and link it into our topics wherever possible.
Across the school, we follow the Ready To Progress Curriculum through the NCETM. This curriculum focuses on the key, and most important, learning outcomes in the Year 4 curriculum. At Weare, we fully embrace the ‘Mastery Approach’ which focuses on establishing mathematical understanding progressing through concrete, pictorial and abstract learning. This helps the children to develop a deeper understanding of the maths they are doing in order to more fluently manipulate numbers and be confident in reasoning and solving problems.
We are very keen to develop numeracy skills and so spend lots of time on times tables. Throughout the week, we have additional 20 minute Mental Maths sessions which focus on timestable practice and fast recall of basic number facts.
Maths Homework is given out on Friday and should be handed in on Wednesday.
This year, the Year 4 Topics include: The Romans, Why do people go to the Mediterranean?, The Ancient Greeks, World Biomes, Crime and Punishments and Transition project with our Middle Schools.
A topic homework project will be given during the Roman and Ancient Greek topics. They will have several week’s to complete the tasks, they can choose which activities they would like to do based on a point system.
French is taught on Thursday mornings by Mr. Sage.
P.E is on Wednesday afternoons and Thursday mornings – sessions are led by Mrs Hael and Mr Coggins. In addition to this, there will be plenty of opportunities throughout the year to take part in sporting festivals with other feeder schools, hosted by Hugh Sexey’s – a valuable and loved transition experience.
Useful Information
Spellings and Maths homework will be given out on Friday and should be handed in on Wednesday. Spelling tests will be on Friday morning. The children need to be regularly reading at home, ideally aloud, and practising their timestables on TT Rockstars – regular tournaments will be set and certificates awarded.
In addition, the children will be given a termly homework project based on their topic. An award ceremony will then take place with certificates and prizes to celebrate the amazing work submitted.