School Uniform
Our uniform consists of:
- White buttoned shirt (long or short-sleeved)
- School tie
- Royal blue jumper or cardigan (with or without a school logo)
- Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
- Grey or white socks or grey tights
- Black shoes (if your child is unable to tie shoe laces, please ensure they have velcro fastened shoes)
In the summer term, school ties do not need to be worn and children can wear blue checked summer dresses or grey shorts.
School jumpers and cardigans can be purchased from the school’s uniform provider, Mapac via their website, www.mapac.com. Please allow up to 15 working days for delivery. During their busy period, orders for the start of term in September must be made by the 1st August.
Physical Education (P.E.) Uniform
There are opportunities for our children to take part of competitive sport alongside other schools; therefore, we would request that parents/carers follow our P.E. uniform policy carefully. From September 2019 for new children, the P.E. uniform consists of:
- Royal blue t-shirt (with logo)
- White shorts
- Royal blue P.E. socks (Year 3 and Year 4 only)
- Black daps or trainers (if your child is unable to tie shoe laces, please ensure they have velcro fastened trainers)
- Royal blue school sweatshirt (with logo)
- Plain navy blue jogging bottoms
All of these items and P.E. bags (except for daps) are available to purchase from the school’s uniform provider, Mapac via their website www.mapac.com. Please allow up to 15 working days for delivery.
It is important that your child has a complete P.E. kit at school at all times, as without all items they will not be permitted to take part in P.E. lessons.
All uniform and clothing should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Please make sure that your child knows where their name is written.
Forest School clothing
We have forest school every week on-site; this is an opportunity for the children to learn in an outdoor environment in a multi-sensory way. Forest school will take place in all weather, so the children will need to be dressed appropriately and will require waterproof over-trousers and jacket (any colour), wellies, thick wellie socks, gloves, woolly hat or hood and fleece jumper.
Please make sure all forest school clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Forest school bags are available to purchase the school office for £4.50.
General presentation
In order to give a smart appearance whilst wearing uniform we would ask that:
Hair bands and slides must be blue, white or black ‘simple’ hairbands or slides with no big bows, sparkles or bright colours.
Jewellery should not be worn to school, with the exception of small plain silver or gold circular stud earrings.
No nail varnish or temporary tattoos should be worn to school.
Shirts should be worn tucked in. Please show your child how to tuck their own shirt in and encourage them to do so before arriving at school.
Haircuts that include tram lines and/or a mohican style or not allowed.
The ‘Daily Mile’
The aim of the ‘Daily Mile’ is to help children improve their physical, emotional and social health and well-being, by doing 5 to 15 minutes of physical activity at least three times per week. It builds fitness, relationships, confidence and resilience.
In order to make this possible and practical, the children will need to wear sturdy footwear. These should not be canvas or have any logo brand visible (i.e. Nike tick). If you have not taught your child to tie laces, velcro shoes/trainers are advisable! Children wearing trainers will not need to buy a separate pair of trainers for P.E.