
Weare Academy C of E First School is a caring and welcoming school where children enjoy learning and are keen to attend.

Registers are accurately and punctually taken at the beginning of both morning and afternoon registration. If pupils arrive after the close of the register (9.00am in the morning) without a written or verbal explanation, a late mark will be recorded. If a child arrives after 9.30am it will be recorded as late absence and counted as an unauthorised absence.

If your child has an absence, then it must be reported to the Academy by telephoning the Absence Line before 9.15am on 01934 732270.  The absence must be reported on each day of absence explaining the reason. 

Please be aware that we do request medical evidence for any absences/medical appointments. If your child has any concerns about attending school, contact us as soon as possible so we can put support in place.  Whenever possible, please schedule medical appointments out of school hours.  If the appointment is within school hours, please provide medical evidence and ensure that your child returns to school as soon as the appointment is finished

In line with the advice from the Education Safeguarding Service regarding term time leave, please be aware that requests for leave during term time will not be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances.  All leave requests should be directed to the Headteacher and need to be in advance of the proposed absence.  We will be issuing penalty notices for unauthorised holidays and warning penalty notice periods for students whose attendance falls below the school target.  We will contact you prior to placing your child on a Warning Penalty Notice.

Parents/carers are informed in writing of irregular attendance and meetings arranged if necessary. 

The Department for Education recently published new and updated guidance for schools on attendance.  Please follow the link here for further information.  Following on from this release, Somerset Local Education Authority’s Education Safeguarding Service has also published updated protocols for schools in which they have outlined new guidance for term time leave alongside a graduated response to absence from school.

We expect that you will:

Always encourage regular school attendance and be aware of your legal responsibilities.

Always ensure that your child arrives at school punctually and fully prepared for the school day.

Ensure that you contact the school whenever your child is unwell and unable to attend school.

Contact the school by 9:15am on the first day of the child’s absence and telephone or e-mail every day thereafter unless your child has a doctor’s certificate.

Contact us promptly whenever any problems occur that may keep your child away from school.

Somerset Council – Education Engagement Officer (EEO)

As a school we are required to monitor our pupil attendance on a regular on-going basis.  We are also accountable to Somerset Council, who have appointed an Education Engagement Officer, Simeon Marshall, to discuss school attendance issues and to offer what support the Local Authority can give in addressing our attendance.

Simeon will be working closely with us and as you may see him around school.

Simeon Marshall

“In November 2023, I accepted the role as an Education Engagement Officer (EEO) with the Education Engagement Service, Somerset Council.  This was after 30 plus years of public service with the Army and then as a Police Officer with the Avon & Somerset Constabulary (27 years).

As part of my role, I am involved with schools and families in supporting children and young persons with their access to education.  I meet regularly with schools and parents/carers to help ensure that education remains accessible to all, often this is in conjunction with other services and agencies”

Further information and advice can be found on the Somerset Council website:-

Support Services for Education:  Somerset Council

Please click the links for further information on the following:-

Mental Health and Well-being Help for Young People and Families:-   Mental Health Helpsheet

Emotionally Based School Avoidance:-   School Avoidance

Wessex Learning Trust Attendance Policy:-   WLT Attendance Policy