Year One

Welcome to Year One – Butterfly Class!

Our Class Teacher is Mrs Malcolm  and our Teaching Assistant is Miss Baker.

This is the place where you can find out all about Year 1.


Spelling and Phonics

We use the Jolly Phonics Systematic Phonics programme to teach daily Spelling and Phonics lessons and once a week, on Friday, we have a spelling test.


In Year 1 we have Guided reading once a week and this gives pupils the opportunity not just to read but to develop skills of fluency, prediction and comprehension. Every pupil has the opportunity to read aloud with a teacher or teaching assistant. In addition, small group work gives the children the opportunity to discuss their book.

We encourage 15 minutes of reading at home daily. Even if pupils are confident readers it is important to develop the habit of daily reading.

Before reading with your child please take a few moments to read the book yourself and also read the information inside the front and back cover which suggests lots of ideas for helping your child.

If you ever have any concerns regarding your child’s reading then please contact Mrs Malcolm as soon as possible to arrange a meeting.


Writing is encouraged daily in Year 1. We use Talk-4-Writing approach to writing. It often links to topic work, a particular book or poem and always encourages the correct use of capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and letter formation. The children are also encouraged to write as part of their play and in independent activities. Handwriting is practised regularly aiming for the correct letter size and formation, with a view to moving on to joined up writing.


At Weare, we fully embrace the ‘Mastery Approach’ which includes Teaching for Mastery Boolean Maths Hub resources in Reception, Year One and Year Two.

We follow the NCETM Maths scheme of learning, which focuses on establishing mathematical understanding progressing through concrete (using actual objects or things), pictorial and abstract (using numbers and other symbols to represent objects or things) learning. This helps the children to develop a deeper understanding of the maths they are doing in order to fluently manipulate numbers and be confident in reasoning and solving problems. Our lessons in Year 1 are very practical and include plenty of discussion as well as recording. The children will also begin to learn their number bonds – for example, all the different ways of making 6 or 10.


RE, Geography, History, Science, Art, DT and Music are taught through topic work which makes the lessons meaningful, exciting and inspiring, as well as allowing me to adapt what I am teaching to match the children’s interests.


In Year 1 French is taught by our specialist French Teacher  through songs and games encouraging the children to be confident when they learn and speak in French about food, colours and the adventures of Barnaby Bear as he explores Paris.


We do PE on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. Blue jogging bottoms can be worn when the weather is chilly. Long hair must be tied back. There are also plenty of other opportunities for physical activity throughout the week including the ‘Daily Mile’ which will be introduced with a 5 minute run, gradually increasing as the children’s fitness and stamina develops.

Forest School

We embrace the opportunity to take our learning outside as often as we can and Forest School is no exception – we go out in all weathers! Please provide wellies, a waterproof coat and trousers which can be pulled on over the top of your child’s school uniform. If the weather is particularly cold, joggers, a hat and gloves will also be useful. Please make sure all items are named.

Useful Information

Home Reading

A decodable Home Reader and a ‘Reading for Pleasure’ book is sent home each Monday. Reading for Pleasure Books are sent home each week:

First week we send home a book chosen by your child from the classroom book corner.

Second week we send home a library book chosen by your child from the school library. This book is changed fortnightly on a Monday.

Reading Record

Please sign alongside the title of your child’s home reader in the white reading record to indicate that your child has read the book (or tell the book’s story if it is a picture book). We recommend reading the book 4 times during the week to improve fluency, comprehension and confidence. Your signature tells us that the book can be changed. Please make a brief comment if you wish.

Weekly Homework

Homework is sent home each Friday and should be returned by Thursday morning so that it can be marked.

1 piece of maths, 1 piece of literacy (both are differentiated) and the activities will usually be linked to the work we have been doing in class. This gives you the opportunity to discuss with your child what they have been learning about.

Weekly Spellings

A list of words linked to the work your child is doing in phonics will be sent home each week to learn. Your child should also write two sentences to help them practise their sentence writing skills.

If you have any questions or queries about homework please send us a message on Class Dojo.

Year One Class Dojo

This is great way to communicate. If you message us we aim to check our messages early morning and then later in the day. Please bear with us if we don’t respond straight away but we will get back to you by the end of the day. Messages about attendance or pick up must please be sent to the school office.


Fruit, Milk and Water

We provide fresh fruit every day except the first day back of each new term. You may wish to provide your child with alternative fruit if you wish. Please note that we do not encourage snacking on crisps, biscuits, cakes, etc. This is because we are encouraging the children to follow a healthy lifestyle so the children have their fruit at playtime followed by a drink of milk or water at 11am. Lunch follows shortly after 12 noon. We find that children who have eaten bigger snacks are then not hungry for their lunch. The children are allowed access to their water bottle when ever they feel thirsty and are reminded to have a drink at regular intervals throughout the day. Please make sure water bottles are clearly named.