Year Two

Welcome to Year Two – Ladybird Class!

Our Class Teacher is Mrs Gibb and our Teaching Assistant is Ms Green.

We hope that you find all the information about Year 2 here. We do hope that the school app offers further communication opportunities about your child’s class and the school!



Spelling and Phonics

We use the Jolly Phonics Systematic Phonics programme to teach daily Spelling and Phonics lessons and once a week we have a spelling test.


In Year 2 we have Guided reading daily and this gives pupils the opportunity not just to read but to develop skills of fluency, prediction, comprehension and pupil voice when writing book reviews. We encourage 10 to 15 minutes of reading at home daily. Even if pupils are confident readers it is important to develop the habit of daily reading.


In addition to Writing in English daily writing is encourage in Year 2 with links to topic work. We use Talk-4-Writing approach to writing. We cover a range of genres which include: story writing, non-fiction chronological and non-chronological report writing. We explore poetry through learning to recite as well as writing our own poems.

Handwriting is practiced daily initially and then 3 times a week with the aim of using joined up handwriting when pupils are ready to do so.


At Weare, we fully embrace the ‘Mastery Approach’ which includes Teaching for Mastery Boolean Maths Hub resources in Reception, Year One and Year Two. We follow the NCETM Maths scheme of learning, which focuses on establishing mathematical understanding progressing through concrete, pictorial and abstract learning. This helps the children to develop a deeper understanding of the maths they are doing in order to fluently manipulate numbers and be confident in reasoning and solving problems.


Each half term we alternate Geography and History topic work.

Science topics include: plants and the environment, animal groups and environments, changing materials, forces and movement, health and growth.

These also link with other areas of the curriculum which incorporate PSHE, R.E., Art, Design and Technology, P.E. and Music.


In Year 2 French is taught through song and pupils meeting Leon Le Chameleon learning about colours, animal names, food etc.

Useful Information


Homework is sent home each Friday and should be returned by Thursday morning so that it can be marked.

Home Reading

A decodable Home Readers and a ‘Reading for Pleasure’ book is sent home each Monday. Reading for Pleasure Books are sent home each week:

First week we send home a book chosen by your child from the classroom book corner.

Second week we send home a library book chosen by your child from the school library. This book is changed fortnightly on Monday.


Year 2 have P.E. on Monday and Thursday , so please could ensure that his or her P.E. kit is kept at school. It will be sent home at the end of each half term.   Pupils with long hair do need to have their hair tied up for P.E.

Class Dojo

This is great way to communicate. We will endeavour to check for messages twice a day.


Supporting Your Child at Home


Homework is sent home each Friday and returned by Thursday morning so it can be marked.

Weekly Homework consists of:

    • 1x maths activity which could include the Numbots game or Times Table Rockstars, 1x literacy differentiated activity often linked to topic work.

    • Weekly Spellings are sent home each Friday. Please practice these daily in preparation for the weekly spelling test each Friday.

Home readers

Decodable reading books are changed once a week please encourage your child to read daily. Reading regularly not only develops fluency and comprehension and our ‘Reading for Pleasure books’ aim to develop a love of reading.